District And Local Heat And Energy Solutions In Holland | The Energy Collective

From Excess Renewables To Green Gas Meanwhile, about two hours south of Meppel, Dutch utility Stedin is converting excess renewables into green gas for one apartment complex in Rozenburg. Europes first residential power-to-gas facility wont be fully online until September 2014, but it will eventually convert excess renewable electricity into synthetic gas to power the central heating system for 30 apartments, pushing gas onto the grid whenever supply exceeds residential demand. Electricity and water first flow into an electrolyzer, separating water into hydrogen and oxygen. This step supplies one cubic meter of hydrogen per hour to a methanizer, which adds carbon dioxide to create 2,000 cubic meters of synthetic methane per year. This green gas not only burns 1% cleaner than natural gas, but it creates a closed carbon cycle by consuming equal parts carbon dioxide to produced methane. Stedin sees the Rozenburg facility as a demonstration project for eventual installation at larger residential communities or industrial manufacturing facilities. By empowering consumers to take advantage of cheap off-demand power prices, excess renewable electricity converts to renewable heating ensuring we use the full potential of sustainable energy, said Alfred van der Molen, Innovation Leader at Stedin.
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